Tuesday, February 19, 2008

GSN News Vol 6


Hello and welcome to the GSN News ! This week has been a week of changes on GSN. We have many new members and have reached the 600 member mark!

Firstly, we wish to welcome all new members, it's great to have you join our family and see you all so active on site! Hoping you all enjoy our community!

How totally awesome to reach 600 members, we are truly a Global Network! Certainly a great milestone for a network which was only first established in September of last year.



The GSN Groups

This week has seen the development of new groups, primarily orientated towards teaching and classes.

1. Crystal Healing Class

Melissa has kindly offered to lead a class on Crystal Healing. Melissa has extensive knowledge and experience with crystals and has conducted many seminars. This class is free of charge and will take place on Yahoo messenger in a voice enabled conference room. This will provide real time interactivity and enhance learning. Those of you who wish to participate, please join the group. Dates and times will be scheduled shortly.

2. Colour Class

For those interested specifically in learning Colour, it effects, healing ability and attributes. Graciously lead by Gentle Rains. There is a chatroom on the group for interactive class sessions and topic discussion.

3. Reiki Class Level 1

Reiki Dave has lovingly offered to teach level 1 and 2 Reiki. For those of you who wish to be attuned, please join this group! Dave is very thorough with his approach to teaching Reiki and has already posted some great introductory information on this group. Dave is a Reiki Master.

4. Kinetics Class

Another class lead by Gentle Rains. Again this group has it's own chatroom.

5. Incense Class

An interesting class to be lead by Gentle Rains. Learn about various incense and their uses. This group has it's own chatroom.

6. Dreams Class

Want to know what your dreams mean ? Learn about dream symbology. Another class lead by Gentle Rains. This group has it's own chatroom.

Learn about Psychometry with Gentle Rains. This group has it's own chatroom.

We hope everyone is continuing to enjoy all the groups on offer. We have plans use Yahoo messenger for more interactive classes, in time. The basic requirements will be to have speakers and a microphone so you can fully participate ,and therefore ,gain the full benefit!
More classes are being developed and will be announced in due course, so keep an eye on the site and your inbox!

Over the next week I am hoping to review the Introduction to Mediumship Class in view to commencing a new class very soon, so also be on the look out for announcements for that.


By Ruben Cedeño

The time has come for the multiple Agents of the Light to convey the teachings of this New Era to every corner on this planet. The Pillars of Metaphysics synthesize in a masterful manner the teachings of the New Era.
1º Law of Mentalism. It teaches that the mind is everything. Whatever you think, it manifests. Thoughts direct your life and if you think in good, it will manifest in your life.
2º The Christ. It is the presence of God in every human heart. It expresses itself in a three fold flame which abides in your physical heart: The Blue Flame, located on the right side of your heart, is all the Faith, Strength and Divine Will; The Gold Flame, located I the center of your heart, is Wisdom, Illumination and Divine Knowledge; The Pink Flame, located on the left side of your heart, is Love, Activity, Diplomacy and Divine Provision.
3º The Spiritual Hierarchy. It is the Brotherhood of Beings of Light directing the human destiny. They are known as Saints for the Christians, Buddhas for the Buddhists, Maha Atma for the Hindus and Ascended Masters for the Esoteric. They reside in Shamballa, which is located in the etheric region of Long Island, in New York City. These Masters command The Seven Aspects of God: Good Will, Wisdom, Love, Purity, Truth, Provision and Freedom.
4º The Violet Flame. It is the forgiveness that consumes the destructive karma and liberates the human race from their mistakes, sins, and other types of calamities. “I Am the Law of Forgiveness and the Violet Flame that transmutes, consumes and dissolves all the errors made by all humankind”.



by Ruben Cedano

The chart of the “I AM” is the physical representation of your Real Being. God in you is the Higher Being where all beings sum up and synthesize. This chart is divided in three parts that represent the human as a trinity: Spirit, Soul and Body.

1. THE SPIRIT is the Superior figure that contains in its body of Light the totality of the chart. This is because it is everything. It is your Higher Self also known as “I AM,” “The Monad,” or “The Father in Heaven”. Its body is made of electronic fire and the Cosmic Law that rules it is the one of synthesis. It synthesizes everything and there is nothing outside its Being. For the Tibetans the Spirit is AVALOKITESWARA, which means “The one who looks.” It is represented with wide and bright eyes because it is the Watcher Being of the Cosmos activity. It lives in the highest plane of manifestation which is the Monadic. The Spirit is also known as ANUPADAKA, which means “self created.” Because the I AM is a Divine auto creation, from its forehead comes the three-fold flame that represents the three primary aspects of God: Will, Wisdom and Love. In its CORONARY Chakra there is a circle with a point that is the symbol of the cosmos which represents the Logos, the word, or the “I AM.” This presence is projected through the Atmic, the Buddhic and the higher Mental planes getting into the Spiritual Triad. This is where Atma is the first expression of the Being “I AM”, Buddhi is the consciousness of “I AM” in all life, and Mind is the Divine consciousness expanding towards humans. This is located in the lower part of the chart that represents the body or personality.

2. THE SOUL is at the center of the chart represented by a Golden Lotus with twelve petals and a three-fold flame in the center. This is the Christ Lotus. All these names are synonymous with Spiritual Soul or Ego, with capital E. The Soul is the intermediary between the “I AM” Presence and the personality. The seven concentric circles surrounding the Christ Lotus represent the Causal Body, this is where Wisdom is recorded and accumulated through all the re-embodiments of a Being. The Christ Lotus as well as the Causal Body resides in the higher mental plane. The Blue and Pink rays that penetrate through the central sides of the chart are the two rays of Light that emanate from the eyes of Amida Buddha. They form the Jewel in the Lotus or “PADMA PANI,” whose name is the mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM,” or “I AM THAT I AM”. It should be pronounced to call up the Christ to action. The triangle that surrounds the Lotus is the symbol of the Christ.

3. The Inferior Being represents the PERSONALITY or the lower tetrad. This is composed of the physical, the etheric, the astral and the inferior mental bodies. These four lower vehicles are in balance and represented by a square forming a Maltese Cross. It is the electronic pattern of the Master Saint Germain and the Era of the Violet Flame. In the center of the cross there is a heart with a three-fold flame that is the reflection of the Christ living in the hearts of every human being. Through the flame are reflected the three aspects of God which are the essence of the “I AM” and the Christ. The ray of light that unites the lower being with the Christ and the “I AM” Presence is the Triple Silver Cord. The life of the personality, the Christ and the “I AM,” communicates with each other during the period of embodiment through this cord. The Violet tube that surrounds the lower body is the Pillar of Violet Fire which should surround all students in the Ascension path for the protection and purification of their lower nature. The Pillar of white light that stands out from the Violet Flame is the Ascension Flame which grants the final victory of the circle of life. This flame is the unification of the lower being with the Inner Christ, and finally with the “I AM” Presence. This luminous unification is known in the Inner Planes as the Ascension for the Earth or the first Cosmic Initiation.

This chart is charged with the radiation, Light, and Love of the Octave of the Ascended Masters; therefore, it can be used for meditation, teachings, and as the center field of spiritual force for homes, as well as instructional centers of the New Age.



The message of this instruction is for you to seize to God inside of you. There are people who pray to an image of the Mother Mary or Jesus, but these representations can be destroyed in an undetermined moment because everything that has a beginning has an end and what does not have a beginning will never have an end. God is what humanity should be conscious of. God has never had a beginning; therefore, He will never have an end. He will never be disappointed or leave you alone because wherever you are, He is, too. Whether you are happy or sad, good or bad, God is with you, He does not abandon you. If this planet or solar system is destroyed, the only thing that will remain is “THE I AM.” It is what will remain resounding in the universe when this period of Cosmic Manifestation ends. Everything else is not worthy. Surrender everything and consider it lost and contemplate the only thing gained, God inside of you.

This is the task. There is nothing else to look for; nothing else to ask for. You already know what you have to know. You found what you were looking for. You have already seen what you have to do. Do it! As the Bible reads, “Today is the day of your salvation”. Do not leave it for tomorrow because it may never come. Today is in your hands. Today you have it over here, do it and realize the Presence of God inside of you.

The only thing that separates you from God is your mind and you have to tell it, “Shut up, you are not going to govern anymore; it is only God who is going to do it”. The principle of mentalism is important, but when you get to the “I AM,” you are going to realize that you are above the law of mentalism because the mind can deceive and betray us, and we cannot remain in the mind, we have to transcend it. Our message goes beyond the mind, it goes directly towards God. He is in a plane higher than your mind, your emotions, and your physical body. There is no more mind, emotions, or physical body; only God as the only Presence, the only Power, the only Substance, the only Energy, and the only Existing Being in all manifestation.

When you say "I AM," you are pronouncing the name of God. Any word that follows, Truth, Health, Opulence, etc., will manifest because God is "I AM" and the energy of the "I AM" is qualified with the word you want. You have in your hands the scepter of power. You know that all destructive things in your life have been generated by using the "I AM" negatively.

Today, is the day you are going to redeem all this misused energy through the Law of Forgiveness and the Violet Transmuting Fire. You are going to start a new life by using the "I AM" for Good and Perfection. You may be identifying yourself with a negative appearance for a few days and this will continue to manifest as long as you make comments on it, talk about it, and believe it. The day you say to that appearance: “you do not exist”, “you are not true”, and “you do not have power”, and you invoke the "I AM" as the opposite of this appearance as Unity, Truth, Forgiveness, and Love, you will see that it disappears and that it does not matter how great it may be. It does not matter what the negative appearance embraces. “I AM" embraces more. “I AM" can do more.

When you say: “I AM the only Presence”, you are taking away power to all the creations, whether it is a disembodied human, a devil, or anything. By saying “I AM the only Presence, the only Power”, you are taking away power to everything that is not God in you. Thus, you are imposing the greatest Truth and the greatest Power to bring Perfection. But when you say “I cannot, I do not know, it is impossible for me”, you are closing the door to the manifestation of Light and to the manifestation of God’s Presence. You have in your hands the power and the scepter of command, use it and manage it. Do not be scared. If there are some people who have not been scared to rob, to assassinate, and to lead a country to war, why are you going to get scared for using the power of the “I AM” Presence to bring Peace, Harmony, Love and Unity to Earth through God? Why are you going to feel fear? Why are you going to deny yourself? If you do not do it, you are an accomplice of evil. You have to assume the power of God because it is the commitment that will give you the knowledge; it is what will rebound in benefit of your spiritual progress and the spiritual progress of all mankind. This is the reason why the Ascended Masters want to give us the knowledge, so we break the chains of imperfect human creations, assume the command, and take control of the power of our lives and the world that surround us. Let’s make this world better every day, because the salvation of the human race is in our hands. We are the world and whatever we say against the world, we are saying it to ourselves and others. “I AM” is God manifested everywhere.

Take the command and the power of the “I AM” Presence to govern the world in Truth, Love and Wisdom. Assume the power now. There is no time to lose!

To say before the Chart of the “I AM” Presence

Your heart is my heart, “I AM” your heart of Light.

Your head is my head, “I AM” your crown of Light.

Your eyes are my eyes, “I AM” your vision of Light.

Your voice is my voice, “I AM” your verb of Light.

Your hands are my hands, “I AM” your hands of Light.

Your audition is my audition, “I AM” your audition of Light.

Your feet are my feet, “I AM” your walk of Light.

Your body is my body, “I AM” your electronic body of Light.

Your rays of Light are my attire of Light. “I AM” what you are.


The Violet Flame

By Rubén Cedeño

"God is Light" states Saint John. If light passes through a prism, it decomposes to seven colors. Each color corresponds to an aspect of God; the purest Light is God. All the Holy teachings say that God is Light, and if so, the decomposition of that Light is God as well. The pure Light contains all the qualities of God, and the decomposed light also contains the qualities of God.

Fire is not just a flame made by friction. There is an internal fire which is the Inner Christ, the Fire of the Spirit, and the Flames. God manifests in our hearts as a three-fold flame: a Blue flame that is all his Will, a Golden flame that is all his Wisdom and a Pink flame that is all his Love. We, as humans, have this three-fold flame within. When the Pink and the Blue Flames unite they form the Violet Flame. Thus, as well as Pink represents Love and Blue, the Power and Will, the Violet Flame represents Forgiveness, Transmutation, Order and Freedom.

The Violet Flame is an activity that the Masters have sent to Earth to help humanity dissolve its difficulties. We all know that there are people living bad because of sin, bad karma and bad luck. The Masters want humanity to understand that the internal combination of the Pink and the Blue Flames produces the Violet Flame. This Flame has the power to dissolve and consume all the mistakes committed by us in this life as well as in previous lives. This Violet Flame helps us dissolve the great burden caused by sin, bad karma or bad luck.

It turns out that sin, bad karma and bad luck have sunk humanity into a frightening negativity where people feel impotent. The teachings and the knowledge of this dispensation helps us to create True Light, which in turn removes the burden off humanity. The moment to learn about the Sacred Fire has arrived. The Masters want the entire human race to start using the Sacred Fire, The Violet Flame.

There are seven different colors of the Rays that exist in God. Each color has a quality, a power and an activity. One of these colors is the Violet, which has the extraordinary quality of Forgiveness, Transmutation, Order and Liberation.

What importance does Forgiveness have in our lives? Do you know that a high percentage of the illnesses we suffer are caused because we do not forgive or ask for forgiveness? Grudges are the cancer of the soul. When we do not forgive, a scar is formed in our thin bodies and become bigger, and in time this can destroy us. In the long run, it can manifest in our physical body as an illness.

People who do not forgive are hurting themselves. The day we begin to forgive, it will be as removing another burden from us. So many negative things have been done to us. If we think about them a lot, and give them power, something called Crystallization is formed. We say that the negative force has been crystallized. When the lava of a hot volcano is slowly cooling, crystals are formed. The same thing happens with our thoughts; however, most of the time, these crystals are not precious jewels but frightening carbons that we have stored in the subconscious.

The power of accepting and denying can erase the negative things by saying: “I do not accept it”; “I take off the power”.

At times, there are humongous crystals already formed in our subconscious that the mind cannot erase and we need a greater power: the power of the Almighty one, God acting as a cleaner inside of the Violet Flame.

Many times, the environment at home is so grave that you cannot bear it; also at work and in many other situations that can be dragged for a long period of time. When situations like these arise and form crystallizations that seem nothing can erase, there is only one thing that can erase it: the Violet Flame or the Transmuting Fire.

What does Transmuting mean? To transmute is to change, for instance, something that was 50 degrees negative to 50 degrees positive, something bad to good.

What does consuming mean? To consume is to dissolve all negative situations and erase them forever. I really invite you to think of this Violet Transmuting and Consuming Flame. It is a blessing from God to allow us to learn and understand that there exists something that can change and erase the negative things. How can we use it? Through different activities: the first one is through the verbal affirmation; the second is through the feelings; and the third is through the thoughts. Just by mentioning the Violet Flame it makes the atmosphere fill with it. Also, by thinking of the Violet Flame, our surrounding gets filled with its light. However, to see this you have to see it through the eyes of the Spirit even though there are people who can see it with their physical eyes.

To think of the Violet Flame you can use the visualization or the imagination. Visualize a negative situation enfolded in a purple light, or imagine a purple curtain or veil wrapping the situation and that will be enough. Try it, and you will convince yourself just like others have done it. I have witnessed many miracles obtained with the use of the Violet Flame. Master Saint Germain, who teaches the activity of this Flame, also teaches us many ways of using it. For example: by the imposition of hands for healing. The Violet Flame also rebuilds. There are specific affirmations that are not prayers, they are called Mantras or words of power. The Violet Flame can be invoked through an affirmation like this one: “I Am the Law of Forgiveness and the Violet Transmuting Flame which consumes and dissolves all the mistakes committed by me and by all humanity”.

The Violet Flame can come through the sincere invocation from your heart, not only through the invocation mentioned above. You can invoke it for anything you need, for example, a physical suffering. When you invoke this Flame to solve a problem in your house, the office, or to dissolve hatred between two persons, it is convenient to say: “I invoke the Violet Flame so that it can enfold this appearance”. Why? Because the Truth of everything is Perfection, Harmony, Beauty, Happiness, Comprehension and Friendship. The opposite to this is appearance. If we decree that a negative situation is true, we are identifying ourselves with it and allowing the negativity to exist, because everything is mental. The day we release ourselves from negative thoughts we are all going to be free forever.

If you don't understand any of these now, it does not matter, let it go, you will understand it some time later. It might happen that in any moment the truth will smack you in the face or perhaps an idea will pop up in your mind, and it will bring understanding of what you have already heard.

The Violet Flame was given to humanity when it was at the point of destruction due to the negative environment. The Masters, at the sight of this delicate and dangerous situation of the planet, decided to pass on the use of the Violet Flame. This Flame was known from centuries ago in the Masters' retreats, and it was in some ways the occult teachings left by Zarathustra about the Flame. But it was lost and the Masters decided to give humanity the use of the Violet Flame so that it could purify the planet's atmosphere by invoking this flame.

We live in the dark because humanity lives constantly pending on who is fighting with whom; the continuous hate and rage; lack of harmony, and all of these things create darkness in the atmosphere enfolding the whole planet. Don’t you think this is an ashamed delay? Don’t you think that we should take action so that the situation on Earth changes? Wouldn’t it be nicer to live in a better world full of harmony, peace, with no fear? Living without the threat of knowing that some people might have the power to make the planet explode? Living without the anguish of competence and contamination? Do not think that living in a better world comes free. This is going to be done by humanity itself because it is the only one that demands a better world; therefore, it has to create it.

There are many ways to do it. We can achieve it through feelings of love, gratitude, and happiness; smiling to everyone; having an agreeable appearance so that when other people look at us, they feel happy. It can also be done through the mind, through the invocation and the decree. Through the invocation and the decree you can invoke powers stronger than the one you physically have to produce positivism in the planet. We all are committed to the salvation of humanity, but we are not alone. We have the weapons of light.

The first: positive thoughts, realizing the Principle of Mentalism.

The second: realize that we all have God within us.

The third: the Violet Flame.

Let’s begin to use the Violet Fire in our own world. Let’s dissolve the sticks and dust that are in our brain and our emotions. Let’s arrange our homes in Divine Order. Then, let’s arrange the whole city, the whole country. Finally, as a group let’s invoke the Violet Flame for the dissolution of all the problems that affect our community and the entire plane:

“I AM a Mighty Pillar of Consuming Violet Flame

consuming and dissolving all the mistakes

made by me and by all humanity”.


By Ruben Cedeño

In the name of the Divine Presence of God “I AM THAT I AM”, I invoke the Beloved Master Saint Germain, to bring here and now all the Transmuting and Protecting Powers and the Compassionate Love of The Violet Flame, to enfold my family, my friends, my spiritual group of metaphysics, my job, this country, this continent and the whole world.






All sinister powers that are against the Divine Plan of Protection, Good Will, Wisdom, Love, Unity, Happiness, Beauty, Health, Opulence, Peace, Harmony, Forgiveness and Compassionate Love that God wishes for all human beings on Earth.

I AM, AMEN (x3)

AMEN (x3)


Atlantean Crystals

Theories about Atlantis mention the extensive use of crystals by Atlanteans. Crystals varied in patterns or grid - sizes - color combinations - and tones. Crystals follow harmonic frequencies and could be used with an instrument that looks like a tuning fork. They received power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the Earth's energy grid system, or from each other.

Atlanteans allegedly harnessed the energies of the pyramids, using crystals to that end. As we have the Great Pyramid at the center of the planet linked to the grid matrix that creates our reality, so, too, did the Atlanteans. Their pyramid allegedly sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which is a metaphor about returning to the collective unconsciousness or source of creation.

Just as we have major and minor grid points of energy on the planet - so did the Atlanteans. Grids point are often marked by pyramids. The Atlanteans used this energy, combined with crystals, to transmit energy from one pyramid to another.

Depending on the tilt of the Earth's axis at a particular time of the year, one pyramid would function to intensify and transmit energies to other pyramids which would then act as receiving devices and would disperse energy as it was needed. The opposite would apply when that pyramid was at an unfocused point to their celestial alignment, when other pyramids would be used as transmitters. It was an intricate matrix crystal grid system.

Uses of Crystals

- Healing, childbirth, crossing over
- Meditation, awakening, increasing psychic abilities
- Increasing mental capacity and clarity of thought
- Science and technology
- Dematerialization - teleportation - telekinesis
- Magnetic force fields
- Libraries - storing records and other knowledge, much like a computer
- Botany and agriculture
- Weather Control
- Huge crystal tower power generators
- Communication - Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over great distance to similar receivers as are equal or comparable to the transmitter. The larger stones, called Fire Crystals, were the central receiving and broadcasting stations, while others acted as receivers for individual cities, buildings, vehicles and homes. On a higher spiritual level, rooms made of crystals were places where the Initiates left their bodies in the Final Transcendence, often never to return.

Edgar Cayce

One of the most detailed descriptions of the Atlantean use of a mysterious instrument called the Great Crystal was given by Edgar Cayce, who mentioned it many times. The crystal, he said was housed in a special building oval in shape, with a dome that could be rolled back, exposing the Crystal to the light of the sun, moon and stars at the most favorable time. The interior of the building was lined with non-conducting metal or stone, similar to asbestos or bakelite, a thermosetting plastic.

The Crystal itself, the Tuaoi Stone, or Firestone, was huge in size, cylindrical in length, and prismatic in shape, cut with six sides. Atop the crystal was a moveable capstone, used to both concentrate incoming rays of energy, and to direct currents to various parts of the Atlantean countryside. It appears that the Crystal gathered solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric and Earth energies as well as unknown elemental forces and concentrated these at a specific point, located between the top of the Crystal and the bottom of the capstone.

The energy was used for various purposes. In the beginning it was used as purely a spiritual tool by initiates who could handle the great energy. The early Atlanteans were peaceful people. As they developed more physical material bodies, they used the crystal to rejuvenate their bodies and were able to live hundreds of years while maintaining a youthful appearance.

Later the Great Crystal was put to other uses. Currents of energy were transmitted throughout the land, like radio waves, and powered by these, crafts and vehicles traversed the land, through the sky and under the sea at the speed of sound.

By utilization of other currents originating from the Great Crystal, the Atlanteans were also able to transmit over great distances the human voice, and pictures, like modern television. In the same manner, even heat and light could be directed to specific buildings or open arenas, giving illumination and warmth by seemingly invisible means.

In this timeline, in the Bermuda Triangle, on the ocean bottom where the ruins of Atlantis now exist, the energy build-up in the sunken and damaged Fire Crystals can periodically trigger materialization of anything.

Atlantean Seed Crystals

Seed crystals are both physical and part of our genetic encoded crystalline make-up.

Triangular Prism Crystals

Symbology: As is Above - So is Below

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean -- Hermes Trismegistus

Spiral Prism Crystals

This crystal links with the fibonacci spiral -the spiraling energies of creation based on the patterns of Sacred Geometry. Consciousness spirals as if from the top of a pyramid - down to third dimension. The lower you spiral - the slower the energies move - until you can no longer remember what exists above and the nature of who you are as your consciousness becomes Frozen in Time - Ice Age metaphor - Crystals and Ice.

Love Star Crystals

This crystal contains 6 sides and 6 facets on the top.
The bottom is shaped like a cone - pyramids.
The Flower of Life - Star of David - Merkaba - Qabbalah

Star Tetrahedron

Atlantean Seed Crystals were flawless, grew as we grow flowers - [flower of life metaphor - seeds - seeding a race] and were used for healing - [the human experiment is about healing issues]

Crystal Healing Temple

The Fall of Atlantis

As the story goes ... the people of Atlantis had many warnings before the continent sank - [the Atlantean program ended]. Prior to closure, crystals were allegedly used to store information which would be found in our timeline by those who programmed them. These crystals contained the original star codes for the Atlantean program. Once found, the crystals would be used as a means of helping them remember. But if all is happening in the NOW, than we are in a parallel situation, though Atlantis seems like thousands of years ago. Our souls are experiencing in both grid programs simultaneously and the crystals are our spiraling DNA moving consciousness between realities to learn.


Healing List

  1. Cheryll- for a speedy recovery post surgery

  2. SpiritBear418
3. Bob Giardino

4. Rainbow and her family

5. Toni Sears

6. Tee Dee

7. Anyone who needs healing

8. Mother Earth

9. All living things

Many thanks to all those whole send much needed healing.



This week's Blog of the Week Award is given to Kathy Helms for her article called Ever Wonder What Motivates Unkind Behaviour?

... the blog maybe read here . Congrats!!

***If you experience any issues, soliciting, recruiting, harrassment, PLEASE let either Niki or myself know so we can investigate and take the relevant action. This is a family and community which has such wonderful energy, peace and light and that is how we wish to maintain it.***

##Just a reminder...those who feel drawn to teach or lead a class on any spiritual or psychic topic please contact Niki on or myself or alternatively leave a message on our network.

In Love and Light,
Jodie and Niki




Unknown said...

Beautiful site
Thank you . . .