Thursday, January 31, 2008

GSN News..Vol 3


Another busy week on site!

Loving all the energy and interactivity going on. More people are now venturing into the chat facility we have on site, which is proving to be a great tool for connecting.

We are slowly climbing towards the 500 member mark, with many new faces having joined this week.

For all the new members, hoping you enjoy our family and the wonderful energy that so many beings of light , together as one, are creating!

love and light

New groups have been added this week, here is a short list with description:

1. Thoughts Create Reality -Everything in your life and the lives of those around you is affected by the Law of Attraction. … In fact, it is essential to living the life of joy that you came forth to live. Each week this group will focus on a chapter from The Secret.

2. The Sanctuary -Helping individuals cope in a myriad of ways, turning lives around with a compassionate spiritual approach that always respects the dignity of the individual. This is a private group, but please feel free to apply. This group is available for those who wish to have someone to talk to about issues or find someone who will listen.

The progress of the older existing groups is great...

The Natural Healers Group is sent hints and tips for preparation of herbal and natural remedies each week.

The Meaningful Meditation Group are sent a specific meditation to work with each week. The meditations vary in theme and not only assist with development ,but aid self and earth healing.

The Circles of Love Group are sent weekly themes to work with, questions and activities designed to discover love for your inner self and unconditional love for all.

**You are welcome to establish your own group, within the GSN community, on any topic that resonates. For these groups we ask that they are not hyperlinked to an external site or group without discussing this with Niki or myself. Without prior knowledge and arrangement, re hyperlinking, it appears to us that our network is only being used as a recruiting depot. We have a duty of care to our family to maintain a harrassment free atmosphere, one free from duress. We also owe it to our members who have taken time to join, participate and aid GSN's growth ,to maintain as many activities as possible within our community



RIA is the winner of this weeks "Blog of the Month" and proudly has her award displayed on her page!

It is a very difficult task just to choose one ! So much wonderful information that everyone is so freely willing to share. So now the task begins for the next weekly award!

Whilst we are on the theme of awards...I was unable to choose a Member of the Week from the vote as everyone voted for me! I am very flattered. Thank you for your kindness.


Spiritual Ethics & Standards

I will take full responsibility for my own energy.

What I send out and what I take in.

I will take the time to ground myself.

I will be emotionally neutral and am always aware of which energy is mine and which is not.

I will use my abilities to see the truth for each person and not be mischievous.

I will read the past and present with only a reference to the probable and possible futures of another; thus allowing the other the freedom to create their own future.

I will devote my life to the purity and truth of my own essence, as well as helping others find their own purity and truth within their own hearts.

I will allow others the privacy sacred to all souls.

I will not undermine another by taking on their problems - I will create no dependencies. Instead, by example, I will teach the laws of autonomy and free will.
I will not use my abilities to control, manipulate, program or harm another.

Please Remember.... You are AT ALL TIMES in COMPLETE CONTROL of your own choices and actions.


Who Am I?

Chris Bourne examines one of the most commonly asked questions - who am I?
The question "Who am I?" frequently arises... To me, the question is actually more WHAT am I rather than who am I?...
There is just one life in the universe. This becomes abundantly clear to anyone who strips away their limited, egoic view of their reality. If we contemplate deeply what it would be like at the 'beginning' (I use the term loosely) before any experience arose, then eventually a realisation may come that we are everything and nothing simultaneously.
Why is this so? We may realise that to be literally everything, we have to be 'all that is' before any experience. In other words infinite potential. This is because experience arises from relativity - the interplay between 'this' and 'that'. However if there is 'this' and 'that', there must also be 'something else' and if there is 'something else', there must be 'something after that' and so on ad infinitum.
So imagine for example I am holding a book in my hand and in your mind's eye you are looking at it. How do you know it's a book? Besides other things you know it by the space around it - so now you've just created 'space around book'. The point is once we create something and acknowledge that, we are also creating something relative to it. So to really be everything, we can ONLY be nothing - i.e. that which comes before anything.
So we are the absolute from which all experience arises. We are beyond definition and this can be experienced by each and everyone of us. You may then ask, 'but how can there be the absolute now that experience is happening'? This took me a while to figure out. If you imagine we are all waves on an ocean, then for each wave, there is another somewhere else that matches it exactly except it is the 'polar opposite'.
Another way of saying this is that for every peak, there must be a corresponding trough of equal magnitude. For example for there to be 40 degrees centigrade, there has to be minus 40 degrees centigrade. So every wave (every experience) is being cancelled out by another wave. This leads to the zero sum total of all things - the absolute - which pervades all things. It also means that 'I' can be the absolute even though thoughts and feelings are arising.
So what is this experience of absolute like and why is it so hard to be aware of it? The point is, it is the total lack of experience to be realised from letting go of all internal identification and efforting. We all experience this from time to time but as soon as it arises there frequently comes a fear of it. It 'feels' like jumping into a black hole - the abyss. It signals the 'death' of our identification with the ego which feels like the death of the ego itself (although it is not). When we loose the fear of this death, what replaces it (at least in my experience) is crystal clear clarity which remains constantly in the background.
I noticed in the beginning that as this state arose, an inner witnesser kept arising asking the question what is going on? who am I? etc etc (just as you point out). Over time, the inner need to answer these questions dissolves. For me after that there was one question remaining: in this state, how is it decided what action to take next? This took quite a while for me to answer and I had a great deal of help from spirit. I was shown that there is a natural energetic flow of the universe and 'I' have a unique path within that flow. Another way of putting it is that the universe flows uniquely through the space that I am.
In order to be in this space of crystal clear clarity (nirvana, enlightenment) all the time, requires complete absence of doubt that 'right action' will happen perfectly when 'I' have let go of all need to shape events and when 'I' have even let go of the 'I' itself. Once 'I' discovered this, 'I' was able to let go of the 'reins' so to speak.
Then there is a response to events based on an authentic choice. So who is now making the choice? The way it is perceived internally, is that actually 'I' have an absence of choice. When there is no need to choose, the right choice becomes clear:
"Do you have the patienceto wait until the mud settlesand the water is clear?Can you remain unmovinguntil the right action arisesby itself?"-- Lao Tzu
Copyright © 2006 Chris Bourne.


Healing Mind and Body
Programming Your Crystals

Cheryl Twyford shows how to program crystals for a specific purpose, such as for healing or protection.
If you wish to use your stones for a specific purpose, beyond their general characteristics, you will need to program them. Intention and focus are key when programming crystals for particular task, such as healing, protection, and/or activation of chakras, among others. Intention is in your program, but it, combined with focus, is also how you place your program into your crystal. You also need focus when creating the program for your crystal.
An important thing to remember when you are programming your crystals is that your stone must be compatible with the purpose you have in mind for it. For example, you don't want to try to attract something with a stone such as Black Tourmaline, which is mostly known for repelling negative energies. However, if you are trying to stave off the negative vibes coming from your unhappy coworkers, Black Tourmaline is ideal. If you're trying to improve your intuitive abilities, working with Amethyst or Prehnite would be appropriate. Of course, these are just a few examples. The metaphysical descriptions on many of our items can help you determine the best uses for various stones.
There are a few different methods of programming crystals, although not as many as there are for cleansing crystals. In fact, most methods of programming are really variations of one method. No matter which method you use to program your stones, they all have intention and focus as the main components. To this end, you must be sure that you know exactly what it is you desire before you attempt to program the crystal. I suggest writing out your purpose on a piece of paper and then refining it further until you feel like it is exactly what you are trying to achieve. Be specific. When you are ready to program your crystal, be sure you are focused and your intention is clear.
Once your stone has been cleared and you have your specific purpose in mind, now you can set about the task of programming. Some crystal-lovers choose to "pre-program" their stones before doing the programming for the actual task at hand. Pre-programming would involve a function such as the following: "To accept programming only for Divine purpose and for the highest good of all", or "To reject any negative vibrations that may come in contact with this crystal". Other people who work with crystals do these as a "sub-programs" instead, by placing these types of programs after the original program has been placed into their stone. It may benefit you to have these sub or pre programs on that piece of paper along with your main program.
The methods that follow can all be elaborated upon, to make them "feel right" to you. You can add candles or soft music if you like. You can even write a sort of script (beyond the original purpose) to help focus the intention of your program while you're speaking or thinking it. Whatever vibes with you is what will work the best for you. Be sure to find a quiet space in which to work before you begin. Some crystal-lovers prefer to ask for guidance when programming their stones. You choose where to direct your request, based on your beliefs. For instance, if you are Buddhist, you might ask for Buddha's assistance while programming your crystal, with a prayer if you like, or during meditation. If you are Christian, you might invoke the aid of Archangels and/or Jesus Christ.
It is very important to remember that any crystal program should include a statement that the program is to work for the highest good. This little "disclaimer" acts as a buffer against any wording mistakes you might make, especially when you first start to work with crystals. It can also protect you in case it turns out, unbeknownst to you, that your program is ultimately not in your own best interest. We've all heard the story of someone who wishes and wishes that they had a promotion, only to find out that their promotion was the result of someone close to them losing their job. Hopefully, your program is clear and concise enough to avoid this type of snafu, but this is your fail-safe subprogram. Some people choose to program all their crystals with this basic function, even if they never make a specific program for it in the future.
And now, on to the methods of programming crystals…
Meditation with Visualization:
Meditation is a common method of programming crystals. To do this, you sit in a quiet environment, where you will not be disturbed, with your crystal in your hands. Think about your purpose for the stone while holding your stone either in your bare hands or in a cloth. Have the paper with your desired program written on it in front of you if you wish. Visualize what it would be like to have your desire fulfilled. Get yourself in the meditative state, and then focus your program into your crystal. Repeat the program in your head over and over again, until you feel the crystal has adequately absorbed your program. Use your intuition. This may be difficult at first, but continue to practice, and you will find that it becomes easier with time.
Meditation with Breath:
Follow the instructions in the previous method, but with a twist. Once you feel that you are in an established meditative state, focused and with your intention in mind, you bring your cupped hands, with the crystal in them, up to your mouth. You then blow on your stone with your program in mind. You literally "breathe" your program into your crystal.
Meditation with Third-Eye/Beaming:
Also following the instructions in the first method, you get yourself to the point where you are sufficiently quiet and focused, with your intention in mind. At this point, you then bring your cupped hands up to your face at about eye level, and then imagine that you are "beaming" your program into the crystal via your third-eye. Continue to do this until you feel satisfied the program is within your crystal.
Meditation with Reiki & other Subtle Energy Techniques:
Try this technique by relaxing with the crystal in your hands, and following the method above. Once you feel that you are in an established meditative state, intend your program into the crystal. Continue this method until the energy sensations in your hands die down, or you feel that the stone is sufficiently programmed. This method of programming works with other modalities of healing energies as well, not just Reiki. If you're an energy worker, experiment a bit and see what comes of it!
Some believe that once a crystal has been programmed, it shall remain in that state for about 28 days (one lunar cycle), or until you cleanse the stone and reprogram it, whichever comes first. An alternative to this is the idea that a Crystal that is programmed for a more active purpose will need to be reprogrammed sooner, while one that has a more passive program will retain it's program for a longer period of time. Here are a couple of examples to help you determine when to reprogram:
1) If you programmed a Clear Quartz Cluster in your office to send high vibrations into the room for the purpose of helping to raise the energies of your coworkers so they can work together as a cohesive group, that cluster will need to be reprogrammed after a particularly difficult week. However, if everything has been pretty smooth during that first week after programming the cluster, you might wait another week or so before reprogramming it. 2) If you've programmed a single Smokey Quartz pendant that you wear every day, for protection against negative energies, it would be a good idea to cleanse and reprogram this piece every evening. Most pendants should be cleared daily because they are not only exposed to negative vibes around you, but they also have a tendency to absorb energies from the wearer.
As a general rule of thumb, stones that are programmed and left in place to do their job can hold their program much longer than crystals that are carried, worn, or used during energy work. Crystals used for energy sessions (such as Reiki) should be cleared after each patient and programmed for the next.
With each of the methods above, intent, focus, and clarity are vital to the successful programming of your crystal. As you become more adept at programming your crystals, you will find a way that works best for you and is uniquely your own. These methods will evolve with your own experience and growth. Keep an open mind and you will find more and more ways in which to work with your crystals. Happy programming!


" Oh Great Spirit, Whose Voice I Hear in the wind, Whose breath gives life to the world, hear me. I come to you as one of your many children, I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom. May I walk in beauty, make my eyes behold the red and purple sunset, make my hands respect the things that you have made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may know the things that you have taught your children, the lessons that you have hidden in every leaf and rock. Make me strong...not to be superior to my brothers but to be able to fight my greatest enemy.. myself. Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes so that when life fades as the faded sunset, my spirit will come to you without shame. "



There are several of our members and their families who require healing at this moment in time...I would like to ask that they are sent healing ,kept in your thoughts and prayers. If there is anyone you would like added to the list, please feel free to email me on site.
  1. Niki and family- our co-admin, has suffered a death within the family
  2. Cheryl- requires healing for an illness
  3. Mioshyi and Betina
  4. All those I am unaware of..
  5. The Mother Earth

    ***If you experience any issues, soliciting, recruiting, harrassment, PLEASE let either Niki or myself know so we can investigate and take the relevant action. This is a family and community which has such wonderful energy, peace and light and that is how we wish to maintain it.***

    ##Just a reminder...those who feel drawn to teach or lead a class on any spiritual or psychic topic please contact Niki on or myself or alternatively leave a message on our network. (For those that have emailed Niki, please be patient for a reply, she will reply as soon as she can).

    In Love and Light Aways,

Jodie and Niki

We are all one