Saturday, March 22, 2008

GSN News Vol 10

Welcome to Volume 10 of the GSN News.

A special welcome to all our new members, hope you are enjoying the Global Spiritual Network "family" ! It is great to see all the interaction, discussions and blog posts!

This week we introduce a new column to our newsletter called Niki's Insights. Niki is the GSN Founder and co-administrator and has a wealth of knowledge to share on a great variety of esoteric topics. We hope you enjoy the the wonderful insights provided by the articles she writes. The first being "What is the Inner Child". Enjoy! Happy

Niki's Insights

Dear Ones,

What is the Inner Child?

To me the Inner Child is something deep inside us which prevents us from reaching our full potential. It is not just childhood traumatic physical experiences. It may be things people have said/ideas/experiences from our childhood that have formulated our ideals, our perceptions, and our "has to be's". Things that, in our adult life, prohibit our growth, that cloud our judgment and that feed our ego, preventing our spiritual development. Sometimes, it is this which we need to release and heal as this is our Inner Child or the mischievous/immature aspect of our BE-ing .

One of the first steps in any healing is a willingness to heal. Healing—the desire to let things unfold, to release hurts, past scars…to forgive—those that have caused us pain and mostly to forgive ourselves. As we being this journey of healing, we are reminded to be kind to ourselves, to allow the healing to be gentle, and to open more and more as our awareness is heightened. To be brave, and to feel the anger, fear, disappointment…for it is a natural part of the healing process. To become aware, feel, acknowledge, forgive and release. This is the way it is…layer by layer. Like peeling an onion—each layer you peel back brings you closer and closer to core of who you truly are.

It is important to realize that the deeper you delve into your pain and release it, the more resistance you may find. Be patient and remember you are in control. When you feel the need to ask for help, do so. Call upon God, Source, your guides or angels to assist you…to help you release the "sand bags" that do not allow your soul to freely expand and rise. Many times, I have found that some of the most profound healing happens when one sleeps…it is easier to release deep thorny scars, when the consciousness is superseded by the Overself or Higherself—by the Godhead in each of us. With kindness and Unconditional love—the most powerful energy of Creation, each and every one of us can heal the child within and reach our true potential.

In the Light,


Class News

The Lightbody Class has completed the last session scheduled session. We hope that those able to attend gained great benefit from the whole experience! Feedback has been very positive and there seems to be a demand for future sessions, so stay tuned!

Is there anything in particular you'd like a class on?

Let us know!

Group News

Two new groups for this week:

Empathy- for those wanting to explore empathy, for those who experience empathy. A place to exchange experiences, tips, and advice with others who share the empathic legacy.

Ascension- a place to share your ascension experiences and knowledge.

Feel welcome to join!


Archangel Chakra Prayer


This is a prayer that you can affirm as often as you want to connect with the energies of the Archangels and higher beings. There is one Archangel or Higher Being for each of the chakras. I always use this prayer during my own spiritual work and my group channels. The colors of the paragraphs correspond to the colors of the chakras.

I call on Archangel Michael to assist me in opening and maintaining my root chakra. Thank you Archangel Michael for helping me stay grounded in this world. I thank you, for helping me walk on the easy path of life, as I get closer to the fulfillment of my purpose. I thank you, Archangel Michael.

I call on Archangel Metatron to assist me in opening and maintaining my sacral chakra. Thank you Archangel Metatron for helping me recognize my physical and emotional needs. I call on you to assist me whenever I am out of balance. I thank you for reminding me to choose joy for each day of my life. I thank you, Archangel Metatron.

I call on Archangel Uriel to assist me in opening and maintaining my solar plexus chakra. Thank you Archangel Uriel for reminding me to use my power. I call on you to help me remember to breathe. I am asking for you to strengthen the connection to the Source of all life. Each day with your help I strive to keep fear out of my thoughts. I thank you that I now understand who I truly am. I thank you, Archangel Uriel.

I call on Archangel Raphael to assist me in opening and maintaining my heart chakra. Thank you Archangel Raphael for reminding me that the Source's love and light is a part of me as I am a part of Him. As I accept more of this love and light, I am filled to overflowing and choose to share that light with others. I call on you to assist me to heal and move past anything that is not of the highest light.

I thank you,

Archangel Raphael.

I call on Archangel Gabriel to assist me in opening and maintaining my throat chakra. Thank you Archangel Gabriel for reminding me to speak my truth and honor my needs. I call on you to help me know when to speak and when to listen. I choose now to see the truth, hear the truth, speak the truth, feel the be truth each day of my life. I thank you, Archangel Gabriel.

I call on the Shekhinah, the feminine face of the Source to assist me in opening and maintaining my brow chakra. Thank you Shekhinah for assisting me with gaining spiritual knowledge, intuition and growing in the strength of the power that is rightfully mine. I call on you to remind me that the people I meet each day have a specific purpose for their life also. I recognize they are a part of the Divine; which makes them a part of me, as we are all One. I thank you, Shekhinah.

I call on the Christ Light to assist me in opening and maintaining my crown chakra. Thank you Christ Light for this permanent connection of light flowing through me in a stronger way each day.

I now allow this light to heal every aspect of my soul. I call on you to remind me to share this bright light with others each day as I walk through my life.

I recognize that I am always connected to the Source and choose to walk in that light more consciously. I thank you, Christ Light.


Enlightenment -A New Way of Seeing

by Peter Russell

If being right is your goal, you will find error in the world, and seek to correct it. But do not expect peace of mind. If peace of mind is your goal, look for the errors in your beliefs and expectations. Seek to change them, not the world. And be always prepared to be wrong.

Being able to experience reality as it is, undistorted by our hopes and fears, is often referred to as “enlightenment.” The reference “light” in this word is usually thought of in the sense of illumination. A mind that is enlightened is said to be an “illumined” mind. It is a mind that has “seen the light,” or sees things in a new light. There is, however, another sense of the word “enlighten” that is equally appropriate. That is “a lightening of the load.”

The heaviest burdens in this life are not our physical burdens but our mental ones. We are weighed down by our concern for the past, and our worries about the future. This is the load we bear, the weariness that comes from our timefulness.

To en-lighten the mind is to relieve it of this load. An enlightened mind is a mind no longer weighed down by attachments; it is a mind that is free. Being free, it is a mind that is no longer so serious about things -- it takes things more lightly. Could this be why enlightened people often laugh and smile more?

A Shift in Perception

From either perspective -- that of illumination or that of lightening the load -- the essence of enlightenment is a shift in perception. It is a shift from seeing the world through the eyes of concern, to seeing without judgment; seeing what is rather than what ought to be or might be.

Enlightenment is waking up to the illusions contained in the belief we have been fed with since birth; the belief that whether or not we are at peace depends upon what we have or do in the material world. It is discovering for oneself, as a personal experience of life, that whether or not we are at peace depends upon our perception and interpretation of events.

This alternative way of seeing is to be found at the core most of the great spiritual traditions. It is, for instance, the very foundation stone of Buddhism. As a prince in a wealthy kingdom, the young Buddha -- Sidhartha, as he was then called -- had everything he could wish for in the material plane. But, like many of us today, he realized that wealth and luxury do not in themselves remove suffering. So he left the palace and set out determined to find a way to end suffering. After six years of studying with various ascetics, yogis and other holy men, and learning many practices and mental disciplines, he was little nearer his goal. Then one day, sitting in meditation, he had a realization that caused him to wake up -- and hence gain the name “Buddha”, which simply means “the awakened one”. He summarized his insight in “The Four Noble Truths”, which might be paraphrased as:

1. We all experience suffering in some way or another -- mental, physical, emotional, spiritual.

2. Suffering is self-created. A consequence of our desiring things to be other than they are.

3. It need not be this way. We have a choice as to how we perceive the world and live our lives.

4. There are systematic ways to set about changing how we think and perceive.

Parallel sentiments can be found in Christianity. The phrase, “Sinners repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” is often interpreted as an admonishment to be sorry for the day of judgment is coming. But if we look back to the Greek texts we find another possible interpretation.

The Greek word that we translate as “sin” is amartano. This, as Maurice Nichol pointed out in his book, The Mark, is a term derived from archery and mean to have missed the mark, to have missed the target. The target we are each seeking is inner fulfillment, but, imagining this will come from what we have or do, we aim in the wrong direction, and so “miss the mark.” It is this fundamental error as to how to find happiness and peace of mind that is our “original sin.” The word translated as “repent” is metanoia, which means a transformation of mind. So “sinners repent” can also be translated as “those who have missed their target, and not found happiness in the world around you, change your thinking” for what you are looking for lies very close by, within you.

Nor is it just religious teachers who have proclaimed this truth. The Greek philosopher Epictetus, living in the first century AD, made one of the most succinct and powerful expositions of this wisdom when he wrote, “People are disturbed, not by things, but by the view they take of them.”

Choosing to See

In principle, we can make this shift of perception at any time we choose. Whenever we are caught up in trying to make the future the way we want it to be -- which, in one way or another, is most of the time -- we have the opportunity to look at things differently. Rather than wondering, “How can I get such-and-such so that I can be happy?” we could ask, “Even if I were to get what I want, would I then be at peace?” And, “If I do not get what I want, can I still be at peace?”

If there is a willingness to look at things differently the answers to these questions are nearly always “No” and “Yes” respectively. Then, having let go of our anxiety about the future, our attention is once again free to return to the here and now.

That much is easy. The difficulty comes in remembering to stop and ask. It is in this that we need practice. And for most of us the aspect of life that offers us the most opportunity for practice -- and where we most need help -- is in our personal relationships. For it is here that we come up against some of our deepest conditioning and some of our strongest judgments.


Healing List


Cheryll- for a speedy recovery post surgery


Bob Giardano

Rainbow and her family

Toni Sears

Tee Dee

Shade Law


Anyone who needs healing

Mother Earth

All living things

Many thanks to all those who send much needed healing.

** If you would like a name/s added to the healing list, please feel free to message either Niki or myself on site.

Hands of Enlightenment

Ages of Awareness

Complete the following questionnaire to find out which age of awareness you are operating from. At the end of the questionnaire, count up how many times you answered a) b) c) or d) and then scroll down to see the results.



When you are disillusioned with life, but can do nothing to change it, do you:


accept that life is like that


look for someone else to change it for you


decide you are going to make it change anyway


accept it and look for a way to change the effects of the situation


When you are disillusioned with life, but can change it, do you:


not think to do so because life is like that


tell everyone else how they could change it


go ahead and change it


consider what the most constructive changes would be before you change it


When asked about yourself, do you:


give your name


give who you are connected to


give your accomplishments


ask what the person wants to know


When asked about spiritual beliefs, do you:


speak of your parent’s beliefs


speak of your spiritual teacher’s beliefs


speak of your own beliefs


speak of the multiple aspects of spirituality


When you learn something that contradicts your current spiritual views, do you:


ignore it


automatically make it wrong


examine it to find out if it is wrong or your views are wrong


assume it and your views are both right, there is no fundamental contradiction and you just need to find out how they are both part of a bigger whole


When you know you need to do something you would rather not do, do you:


ignore the whole problem and hope it will go away


get someone else to do it for you


just get on and do it


find a way to do something you like to do which will meet the same need


When you are faced with a problem do you:


resign yourself to things as they are


complain to anyone who will listen


meet it head on


find a way around it


When setting a goal, do you:


not bother


focus on your obligations to others


decide what you want for yourself


focus on your needs and the needs of others equally


When you have achieved your goal, do you:


not notice


look for approval from others


acknowledge yourself and set the next one


assess its constructive effect to decide whether or not it needs to be modified or not


If you fail to achieve your goal, do you:


not notice


look for sympathy from others


get mad and work at it harder


look for another way to complete your purpose


When you have to make a decision do you:


do what you’ve always done


ask someone else to tell you what to do


make up your own mind


focus on how what you will do will effect all things


If someone asks you to make a decision for them, do you:


tell them to do what anyone else would do


become attached to them taking your advice and doing what you know is best


tell them what you would do but not care if they do or not


assist them to make the decision for themselves


When listening to someone else, do you:


not really listen much


wait for a chance to tell them what you want to tell them


listen only to their words or assume you know what they’re going to say anyway


listen to hear what they are saying beyond the words they are using


When talking to others, do you:


say only what is expected


say whatever you think they will approve of


speak your mind, regardless of the subject or the audience


speak so as to communicate not just the words but also the essence of your meaning


If your partner does something you do not like, do you:


submit to it


find a way to get them back


confront them to make them change


acknowledge what they are doing, do your best to resolve the situation and find a way to make it work for both of you


When your partner does something you do like, do you:


accept it without comment


automatically wonder what they want in return


thank them for finally doing the ‘right thing’


acknowledge it with gratitude


When you are told by a third party that someone has a problem with you, do you:


become upset, but take it no further


become upset and tell everyone else about it


become upset and go speak to the person about it


tell the third party not to repeat bad news, and go speak to the person about it


When someone gives you health advice, do you:


tell them what’s worked in the past will work now


take the advice believing they are responsible for what comes from it


not listen to it because you know better


acknowledge them for their assistance, and assess it on its constructive merits


When your health takes a turn for the worse, do you:


submit to it because ‘life isn’t meant to be easy’


complain bitterly to anyone who will listen


get angry at your body letting you down and set about changing it immediately


accept and acknowledge it , then assess it for its constructive potential before doing anything to change it


When your health takes a turn for the better, do you:


accept it as ‘one of those better days’


take credit for it as a reward


take credit for it because you made it happen


accept and acknowledge it, then assess it for its constructive potential in case it can be improved further


Ages of Awareness - Results

If you answered 15 or more questions with:

a - then you are Personality Determined

b - then you are Other Determined

c - then you are Self Determined

d - then you are Pan Determined

"Your creativity and genius flow from the physical expression of the patterning of your soul."

If your answers are more mixed, then it may be because you are at a different Age of Awareness in different areas of your life.

Questions 1 – 5 relate to your spiritual awareness.

Questions 6 – 11 relate to your mental and decision making awareness.

Questions 12 – 17 relate to your emotional and relationship awareness.

Questions 18 – 20 relate to your physical and health awareness.

As you read the definition of each Age of Awareness, below, remember to relate it to the relevant area of your life.

Personality Determined is the first Age of Awareness. If you are in this Age you have not yet begun to ask yourself the kind of questions that assist growth and evolution in consciousness so you are still doing things the way your parents or teachers did them. Your energy will probably be lower than you would like and you may find it difficult to stay focused on your goals. To move onto the next Age of Awareness you will need to acknowledge more of what is happening in your life. Spend some time examining what really makes you tick. Read some books or do some things your parents would never read or do. You are probably not aware of your metaphysical abilities. This is one area you may benefit from exploring.

Other Determined is the second Age of Awareness. If you are in this Age you have begun to ask the kind of questions that assist growth and evolution in consciousness but you are looking to someone else to answer them for you. So you are doing things the way that person does them. Your energy will probably be erratic; it will be good when you are in a positive environment, and poor when you are in a negative environment. You may find your own goals are suffering while you concentrate on goals you have been told would be better to work on. To move onto the next Age of Awareness you will need to trust your own feelings and knowledge of life. Spend some time examining how you really feel, and doing what feels strengthening to you, regardless of what others say. Read some books about codependency. What you learn may surprise you! You may be limiting your metaphysical abilities without knowing it. Expanding your horizons in this area may deliver you unexpected rewards.

Self Determined is the third Age of Awareness. If you are in this Age you have learnt the questions that assist growth and evolution in consciousness and you know how to find the answers for yourself. You are independent and inner directed and you are beginning to know yourself well. Your energy will probably be quite strong, and relatively unaffected by your environment. You are focused on your goals and will no doubt achieve them in time. As you achieve more and more of your goals you will gain in confidence and personal power. To move onto the next Age of Awareness just keep going but remember to open up to other people. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. Spend some time examining how others feel; you already know how you feel. Spending time on your relationships could pay off big time for you. You would be able to develop your metaphysical abilities with relative ease, if you choose.

Pan Determined is the fourth Age of Awareness. If you are in this Age you have learnt the questions that assist growth and evolution in your own consciousness and the consciousness of others. You also know when and how to ask them to create the most beneficial effects. You are interdependent; you are directed by the needs of others, yet your first priority always remains your own needs and goals. Your energy will be strong, yet soft and open. You are focused on your goals and have the confidence and skills to achieve them in such a way that your achievement will also benefit others. As you practise the skills you have learnt along the way your confidence and ability to create positive results out of even the most difficult circumstances will grow. You know what you need to do for your continued growth. You have learnt how to listen to your own wisdom, and the wisdom of the Universe. Just keep putting it into practise. You have probably already developed your metaphysical abilities to some degree. You are at an Age of Awareness in which you could become a master of your chosen field.

Blog of the Week Award


This weeks "Blog of the Week" Award goes to Darcy Raymond Gehl for his blog called " As I stand alone in a forest of darkness ". (You can read the winning blog by clicking on its name)

Congrats Darcy..awesome contribution!!

Guided Meditation Exercise - Spheres of Light

In Love and Light,

Jodie and Niki Love StruckBig HugAngel

