Wednesday, March 12, 2008

GSN News Vol 9



Welcome to our weekly newsletter!

We have had several new members join GSN this week. All feel very welcome, and we hope you enjoy our family!

Class News

Firstly, the Crystal Healing class proved to be popular with Melissa kindly leading. The main topic of the class was the crystal layout for the chakras. Melissa also provided very intriguing  information on the uses of various crystals for specific chakras. All who attended have commented how insightful and enjoyable the class was. Melissa has also posted notes from the class sessions for those who maybe interested, these can be found on the Crystal Healing Class Group. Also we have posted a crystal ebook to this group to provide an additional reference source for those who have requested one.Thank you Melissa for your time and effort! Big Grin

The Lightbody Clearing Class is also progressing well. Those that have attended the first session have found the entire process very insightful. There are still several sessions scheduled for those who are interested. Carolyn has the schedule post on the

Lightbody Clearing Class Group or alternatively there is a calendar at the bottom of the main page with up and coming events listed. Thank you Carolyn for all your time and effort to get these sessions off the ground. Winking

Group News

Gentle Rains has kindly offered to provide Ethereal Crystal Attunements free of charge. There will be nine attunements, five days apart to begin in April. Those of you who are interested in these attunements please find further information on the Crystal Healing Class Group . Many thanks Gentle Rains! Love Struck

Liana has started a new group called Astrological Insights.

Astrological Insights-Astrology is an ancient science, one of the Divination sciences. Astrology is not what we read in media as "Horoscope" but personalized, as we all are unique as souls and human beings.

A great group for those with a curiosity for astrology !

On the GSN Attunements Group, Terrence is kindly offering attunements to Shambala, Sai Baba and Ayurvedic Reiki and has kindly uploaded the relevant manuals for those wishing these attunements. Thank you Terrence for your wonderful gifts. Angel


Calling On Friends

When we are going through a difficult time, we may hesitate to call even our best friends because we don’t want to burden them with our troubles. This can be especially true if we’ve been going through a series of challenges, and we’re starting to feel as if we sound like a broken record. It is important to remember that at times like these our friends sincerely want to be there for us whenever they can. We can always check with them to make sure it’s a good time for them before we start talking, and if it’s not a good time, we can call back at another time, or call another friend. 

We know for ourselves that when we have a good friend, we don’t want them to suffer alone when we are just a phone call away. We want them to call us and share their sorrows with us, as well as their joys, because this is what sharing a life through friendship is about. It is at our lowest points that we really need to rely on our friends without worrying that we are a burden. If you are feeling self-conscious about having a tough time, you can bring this fact into the conversation by acknowledging it. Chances are your friend will reassure you that she is happy to be there for you. In fact, rather than feeling taxed, most of us feel better when we have helped a friend simply by listening empathically while they share their feelings.

Without our friends, we would be hard pressed to get through the tough times and celebrate the good ones. If we leave our friends out of our process when the going gets tough, our friendships can begin to feel shallow. On the other hand, when we include our friends in the full story of our life—the good, the bad, and the ugly—we build authentic relationships in which we can be who we truly are. When we do this, we invite our friends to bring their whole selves to the relationship as well.


Why You Came To Earth

The Starseeds have consciously decided to lower themselves spiritually from a very high vibrational level (6th, 7th or higher) and leave the peace and security of the Pleiades’ planets to take on incarnations as human beings on Earth in a 3rd or 4th dimensional body, in order to help humanity raise it’s spiritual vibration, to one of a higher level. To bring Unity and peace to the planet, repair the environmental damage that humankind has brought about and bring in new Higher concepts of how to live in an angelic, spiritual manner. Unfortunately, when we all reincarnate to Earth (Gaia) a veil of amnesia is placed over us at birth and we forget who we are and why we have come! The Starseeds have forgotten their mission. But it can be remembered and their lives can be an inspiration to others!

*Starseed "Problems"*

Because the Starseeds have forgotten that they are angels in human form and not merely human, they have felt bewildered at living in such a harsh, unsympathetic environment. People just don’t understand their sensitive feelings, fears and longings for a more peaceful, secure and loving society. They do not want the traditional goals of wealth, power and social status. They would much rather find contentment, caring and Oneness with others, not compete with them. They do not like rules and regulations, control and power plays. Marriage and responsibility do not appeal to their carefree natures.

Unfortunately, they may become involved in minor criminal activities, have multiple, uncaring sex partners and become addicted to drugs or alcohol, in their defiance of current Earth values. Unused to the negative aspects of life, they are often strangely attracted to them. This often makes living on Earth as a human, very depressing, confusing and frightening. Does this sound like you? Well, we will now show you how you can raise your spiritual vibration, remember who you are and why you are here and sort out those earthly difficulties in one easy step!


*Benefits of Raising Your Spiritual Vibration*

When you begin to consciously raise you spiritual vibration, wonderful things happen to you. Suddenly life makes sense! You understand now who you are and why you’re here. Life is no longer a series of random incidents with no apparent meaning, but instead, a learning experience that you can take control of now and in the future!

You come to realise that everything has a deeper spiritual meaning. The person who helps you, may be repaying a long established karmic debt. Perhaps, you helped them once in a past lifetime and they are now repaying the debt, by being kind to you. Similarly you may have hurt someone in a past life and they are now repaying you with bad karma. You also realise that what you do in this current lifetime on Earth, will effect all your future lives, so you purposely set out to make no further bad karma for yourself. You treat everyone with kindness and unconditional love.

Starseeds also feel the Unity of all life forms and know that they are all linked on a higher level. When you hurt or harm someone else, (human, animal or vegetable) you are actually harming yourself! Instead you treat all humans and animals with love and respect. You set out to live life as an angelic, higher being – a Starseed, so you begin to drop your negative traits such as fear, jealousy, hate, envy, anger, malice, lies and lust and instead replace them with the higher angelic traits of unconditional love, inspiration, truth, forgiveness, empathy, joy, hope, faith and positivity. You can do it!

The rewards may be at first, hardly noticeable. Your actions, thoughts and words may at first seem false and forced, but soon you will be living as a higher angelic, Starseed. People will learn to react positively to the new you. Your positive, loving attitude will be reflected back to you. You will make positive changes in your relationships, work, health and spirituality. You will rediscover your purpose for incarnating and begin to live it. You will be an inspiration to others!

As you raise your spiritual vibration, your long hidden spiritual and psychic abilities will come to the fore. You will be able to work on your clairvoyant skills – seeing, hearing and feeling higher spirits, angels and Ascended Masters around you. Your auras will blaze with positive light and your chakra or energy centres, become fully functional for greater psychic contact and better health. Your telepathy with others will increase and you will develop your ESP abilities and astral travelling techniques. You will learn to become a talented healer or spiritual counsellor. Your own special mission in life – to heal, counsel, write, entertain, create art works, aid with music or other, will be fully remembered and activated. Your life will take on a deeper spiritual meaning.


As a spiritually higher vibrational Starseed, you will successfully work on your family relationships and find new positive friends and work colleagues. You will find work that you love to do and suits your abilities. You will make positive changes to your living environment and live in a harmonious home where you can relax, entertain and meditate in peaceful surroundings. You will work towards finding your Twin Flame or Higher Soul Mate and build a lasting, loving, caring relationship with that special person. You will feel empowered, loving, free and spiritually alive!

But many of you may feel that current everyday problems are holding you back from accomplishing this new, wonderful life. You don’t know how to tackle these problems in a spiritual way, like an angelic Starseed! Here is our solution, given by Spirit, to help you work out these problems and use in the future for keeping the Starseed values alive within you! It is called L.I.F.T.


Here is an amazing affirmation that we ask you to memorize and use to sort out all your earthly problems, worries and cares. And it works!

"I am a Starseed, my thoughts, words and actions L.I.F.T. me to my angelic vibration!"

L.I.F.T. stands for –

L. love

I. inspiration

F. forgiveness

T. truth

Sounds simple doesn’t it? But in every situation in life, you can ask yourself – "Does this L.I.F.T. me to my angelic vibration?" If in the situation you can’t express your love, inspiration, forgiveness and truth, change it around or walk away from it! You want to live your life as an angelic Starseed not as a mixed up human.

*A Fuller Explanation of L.I.F.T.*

The letters L,I,F,T, are an acronym for the word 'lift'. They are taken from the first letters of the following words – love, inspiration, forgiveness and truth.

By Love, we mean of course unconditional love. Loving others as you love yourself, wanting the best for them physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Conditional love means expecting something in return, unconditional love is giving love without restrictions. But at the same time, acting as an Ascended Master such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Mother Mary, Isis and Kwan Yin would, being compassionate, tolerant and caring, but not debasing themselves or allowing themselves to be abused by others.

By Inspiration, we mean living as a higher, more angelic example to others. Inspiring them to follow your guide and increase the angelic nature of themselves. When your words, thoughts and actions are of a lower nature, you pull yourself and others down in vibration. L.I.F.T. up don’t fall!

By Forgiveness, we mean, fully and wholly forgiving others for any hurt and harm they may have done to you, in this lifetime and in past incarnations. When you fail to forgive another person, you hold on to the hurt and it causes you mental and emotional pain. It may also cause sickness within you. It is Divine to forgive and an attribute of the angels. Only humans hold onto grudges and hurt. Let it go and be angelic!

By Truth, we mean not only being truthful in your thoughts, words and actions, but also speaking your own inner Truth, your beliefs, philosophies and feelings in a way that resolves a situation. Letting others know your true opinions, this allows confusion to be dissolved.

By assessing every situation, using the formula of Love, Inspiration, Forgiveness and Truth, you will easily find a solution that will help you raise your angelic vibration, not lower it. We have added a pair of angel wings to remind you that when you L.I.F.T. yourself up, you are behaving like an angelic Starseed! You can also use this L.I.F.T. formula to assess the actions of others involved in the problem or situation. Are they raising their own spiritual vibration by behaving as they are or are they letting their angelic vibration fall?

When your angelic vibration begins to F.A.L.L. you are giving into Fear, Anger, Lust and Lies. This is how many people react instinctively to problems and negative situations in life. But, this is not the way of the Starseed! L.I.F.T. your angelic vibration upward!



Starseeds will find that the following problems and situations may commonly occur in their lives. By using the affirmation, "I am a Starseed, my thoughts, words and actions L.I.F.T. me to my angelic vibration!" You can fully assess the problem and find a workable, angelic solution that raises your own (and everyone else who is involved) angelic vibration. These problems involve, Love, Sex, Crime, Drugs, Work/School, Family, Friends and Spirituality. Just ask yourself, "Does this L.I.F.T. me?"



How to Talk to Yourself

by Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.


When we become aware of our story lines -- the things we tell ourselves to keep from moving forward -- we can use affirmations to make our mental chatter more fluid.

Affirmations counteract negative story lines with positive words and feelings. They have the power to instantly cut through negative self-talk and take us into a place where we can know our inner light.

For example, when something goes wrong, we may say, "This just proves how stupid I am -- I can never do anything right!" To increase awareness, you could use an affirmation such as, "Everything I do works out perfectly, regardless of minor setbacks." After repeating this, your mind-set will change, and you'll be able to adjust your story line to something like, "Well, I really blew it that time, but I'll figure out what happened, make some adjustments, and try again!"

Here are some other possibilities for changing what you say to yourself: When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about someone else, you can say, "May I accept all beings as they are," instead of "If only he would meditate, he'd be all right."

When you find yourself thrown off center by a situation, you can say, "May I be undisturbed by the comings or goings of events," instead of "I must be getting old. I just can't take change anymore."

When you find yourself completely fixated in a disagreement, you can say, "Isn't this funny?" instead of, "If I don't get out of this room right now, I'm going to die."

When you find yourself unable to go on, you can say, "I have come a long way and I will keep going, step by step," instead of, "There's no way I can finish this job today."

When you find yourself beset by anxiety and helplessness about someone else's well-being, you can say, "I care for you deeply, but I cannot keep you from suffering," instead of "I'm a terrible parent (or friend)."

When you find that you feel guilty because someone else depends on you and you can't satisfy their expectations, you can say, "I wish you happiness but I cannot make your choices for you," instead of, "I'm sorry, I guess I'm a selfish person. My mother always said so. Anyway, I just don't know how to help."

When you find yourself pierced by guilt and blame, you can say, "Today marks a turning point in my life," instead of "Why do I always screw everything up?"

When you want something that seems impossible to have, you can say, "I have everything I need to be happy," rather than, "I am such a dunce -- I never plan ahead."

Once you begin experimenting with positive self-talk, you'll see that it has an almost infinite variety of forms. And like the sun, moon, and stars, it has a curious ability to connect you with the brightness in yourself and others.


excerpt from 'Pathways to the Soul:

101 Ways to Open Your Heart' by Carlos Warter

© published by Hay House Inc.

Healing List



Cheryll- for a speedy recovery post surgery


Bob Giardano

Rainbow and her family

Toni Sears

Tee Dee

Shade Law

Anyone who needs healing

Mother Earth

All living things

Many thanks to all those whole send much needed healing.

** If you would like a name/s added to the healing list, please feel free to message either Niki or myself on site.


Blog of the Week Award


This weeks "Blog of the Week" Award goes to DeepForestWoman for her blog called " Very Interesting and Thought Provoking". (You can read the winning blog by clicking on its name)

Congrats DeepForestWoman...lovely contribution!!

A Discussion Question

"Wisdom is something that is present within all of us. The first major obstacle that prevents you from finding the wisdom within is the belief that you are not wise."

What is wisdom ?

Feel free to share your thoughts on the forum.



Native American Spiritual Music


##Just a reminder...those who feel drawn to teach or lead a class on any spiritual or psychic topic please contact Niki on or myself or alternatively leave a message on our network.

If anyone wishes to submit an article for the News, please feel free to email or message via the site.

Also if you are experiencing issues with spamming please let us know so we can take action.

In Love and Light,

Jodie and Niki

